PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down



2015-12-12 10:45

My experiences as a member of MK operative since 1976, and all good lessons learnt, were completely undermined by especially JZ, who did not intervene when I called for an investigation of the ANC Umgeni North Branch of the ANC in 1990. The issues were, inter alia, corruption, mismanagement of funds, promotion of lackeyism and the formation of a rogue unit of MK.. This lack of action is mirrored in these contraventions which continue to this day. Zuma and his ANC lackeys must go! Not because he failed the above branch, but he has done so with our beloved country.



2015-12-12 10:45

We are now officially in the numbering zone that he cannot pronounce.



2015-12-12 10:46

Now is the time for change come on people catch a wake up before its to late, long leave South Africa...



2015-12-12 10:46

It is because they are created jobs no better service delivery and high crime rate

#2480 Petition

2015-12-12 10:46

Great initiative, but the text needs serious editing!



2015-12-12 10:48

I am unhappy that a thief is running my country.he is destroying our wonderful country



2015-12-12 10:49

We need to start standing together and get rid of Zuma



2015-12-12 10:51

Because i love my country and i dont see why we should allow the shadow government to keep playing us like puppets with this stupid racial crap. We are all south africans we were all born here black white green yellow etc. We can make this country great together. Thats the only way.



2015-12-12 10:51

Because Zuma is an ignorant twit.



2015-12-12 10:52

Jacob Zuma is a person with no morale compass. The damage he is doing with appointing people in key positions that all follow his requirements and not the people of South Africa. Even when he leaves office all the people will remain in their positions and will continue their corrupt ways



2015-12-12 10:52

I'm sick and tired of the poor and middle class being taken for a ride by the government. I'm simply doing my bit to do to the ANC what we did to apartheid, get rid of it.



2015-12-12 10:53

This man is not compotent to be a president he must step down he thinks het have the woright to as HE PLEASES,he have no idee what he is doing however i is the worst example of a president ever .



2015-12-12 10:55

Why did you sign this petition?coz zuma's regime suld fall



2015-12-12 10:55

It's high time we fought for what we want. South Africans deserve better than Zuma and his ANC government.



2015-12-12 10:56

I just want Zuma to step down...!



2015-12-12 10:56

Our country needs a president who will have our best interest at heart.
Not this Zuma who only thinks of himself and puts the ANC before the country



2015-12-12 10:56

We have been so obidient nd betrayed too much it enough



2015-12-12 10:58

Never in the history of South Africa has somebody stuffed up a perfectly good country the way Jacob Zuma and the entire ANC did!!!!! He is just as bad as Robert Mugabe!



2015-12-12 10:58

Enough is enough! Do not insult the intelligence of our Nation.



2015-12-12 11:00

Mandelas legacy and vision being destroyed.
Viva TATA. Viva



2015-12-12 11:03

Because South Africa cannot afford to have a "junk status".... education and knowledge goes a long way and that's something Zuma doesn't know or have hence he's getting personal. Hemustfall



2015-12-12 11:04

I think it's time that the president should step down cos he has done irreparable damage to the economy of South Africa.



2015-12-12 11:04

Zuma is NO leader , he is clueless and brainless , he destroys instead of building up , he destructs , he must be removed / replaced A.S.A.P !!!!!



2015-12-12 11:04

I came back to SA to raise my family after being abroad. With Zuma a president my child's future us looking bleak in this beautiful country of ours. We need a change asap



2015-12-12 11:06

Zuma is a liability and has unambiguously displayed his eagerness to bring this country to its knees.