Adequate remuneration for Physiotherapists in South Africa

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Adequate remuneration for Physiotherapists in South Africa.



2015-06-06 12:05

Why did you sign this petition?



2015-06-09 10:45

I had a stroke. Went to a physio thn I walked again.



2015-06-09 17:46

I totally agree, physiotherapist have to do a lot of physical work and do their best trying to prevent complications.



2015-06-10 03:59

The profession is poorly recognised. We work so much harder than other professions who end up getting the same salary......ridiculous. This has to change. I'm doing my comm serve and already wanting to leave the profession because of the ridiculous salary that doesn't get you anywhere after working extremely hard for four years!



2015-06-10 05:18

I personally think that this goes for all health and rehab professionals.



2015-06-10 17:30

Physiotherapy! The third highest admission requirements for university other than Mbchb and dentistry. Even higher than pharmacy. Exceptionally skilled and knowledgeable on all fields in hospital. One of the worst remunerated health professions with community service pharmacist earning same as chief physiotherapist and pharmacist assistant earning almost similar to community service physiotherapist. Weak representatives at national level, poor spirit of ubuntu with private physiotherapists giving no support to colleagues in government forgetting recognition in government will bring about change in medical aid fees in private sector. This country needs to know what the rest of the world Internationally already knows and support. Physiotherapists are part of the cream of academic crop in health system and most hard working. They deserve better salaries and recognition. Improve a health system? Just give the job to the physiotherapist. 



2015-06-10 17:35

As a surgeon I can honestly say I cannot work without a physiotherapist. Patients take longer to leave hospitals and complications risks are higher if there is no physiotherapist. This means patients end up spending much more as an inpatient in hospital. Also recovery time is much longer.



2015-06-10 20:05

I feel we are underpaid then not allowed to moonlight for extra money, this is unfair... We have worked too hard to be rewarded with peanuts


2015-06-11 17:04

I am currently doing my community service as a physiotherapist. I was very disappointed (still am) to find out that we earn the same as people who have 3 year diplomas in the work that's nowhere near as physically, mentally and emotionally demanding as ours. What shocked me even more is that after community service the salary decreases. I feel cheated. Thanks for this petition!



2015-06-15 06:24

Finally, something has being said.
Now, let the truth spread!


2015-06-28 13:15

No offense, this has been like this for a number of years.....!!! How come physios in SA are ONLY realising this now? Is the SASP or any other organisation that represents us ,doing its part in fighting for this cause ???



2015-08-06 12:39

I would like to see reform in the recognition of physiotherapists as first line practitioners



2015-08-06 20:09

Even Labour & /or Trade Unions can do a better job than physiotherapy affilated organisations in South Africa... SHAME..  A REAL TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE HERE...!!!!


#64 Re:

2015-08-08 20:47

#40: -  I know exactly what you are talking about  I have OMT as well as a masters degree and still no recognition  a "production therapist" in charges of others too. Really frustrating 




2015-08-12 07:25

This initiative is good. Physios have been exploited long enough and it's time we got what we deserve and what we are worth