Cycle Route Between Middlesbrough & Guisborough


/ #43

2013-11-20 08:42

Well in the last few weeks in London there has been 6 fatal accidents involving large vehicles and cyclists along with 2 local which is extremely sad. This is due to the cyclists having to content with vehicles on main roads yet the government are encouraging us to use cycles. Now with the crossing becoming unusable it will force the cyclists onto the busy Guisborough Road which involves dual carriageways and horrendous speeds. So thank you very much for this closure as you have now sealed the fate of a cyclist on that road as an accident will occur. Why not put signs up at the crossing with a telephone so the cyclist can call the signal box at Nunthorpe Station for permission to cross. If a train was due the signalman would simply say wait a few minutes. Network Rail along with the farmers have a duty of care on that crossing yet to date there has never been any reports of near misses etc. To enforce that duty of care for the cyclists why not have the cyclist contact the signal box and everyone is happy. There is surely a common denominator which is missing here from Network Rail and the farmers which is common sense