The future is bright the future is Tunstall

/ #10 Observations

2014-01-29 12:15

Write a comment...I wonder how many of the people who have signed this petition have actually set foot in the current school recently. Are you really able to make an informed opinion if you haven't? Tunstall is a rat run for commuters. It is tiresome that parents are being blamed for the traffic. Some parents including myself walk to school! The pathway to the current school is far too narrow and totally dangerous. I welcome the new school with open arms despite living very very close to it and no doubt people may park in front of my house during school drop off and pick up times. Last time I checked, I don't own the road. Tunstall is a Church of England School educating children who live both locally and those who attend church regularly. People should not be denied an excellent education because of their post code.