
/ #68 Re: Observations

2014-02-07 20:25

#10: The future is bright the future is Tunstall - Observations

How niave and simplistic of you to think that the issue of the increase in traffic through Tunstall would be solved by a new school building.  I have lived here for over 25 years and the cause of the increase in traffic through the village has been brought about by the building of the large estate off Bell Road.  Not so much of a rat run as the most direct road link for the increase in population to reach  Maidstone and the M20 Motorway.  Another example of poorly thought out and unwanted extensive building without proper thought to the attendant necessary infrastructure.  The building of a new school will do absolutely nothing to alleviate that problem only make it much, much worse.  The supposed 'traffic calming' measures through Tunstall that have made it such a nightmare road to drive through let alone walk through should clearly indicate to you that the so called authorities are incapable of working out clear sollutions and will only compound the difficulties in the village.  Other much less damaging and much more useful measures are there to be applied.  It isn't necessary or desirable to take this very destructive route in building an unwanted school which will destroy the nature of the village.