per aspera ad astra!

/ #209 Collaboration rather than conflict?

2014-02-19 12:18

I have often heard and seen individuals from refering to "sides", "camps", "opposition", and even "the enemy". These individuals represent opinions that both disagree and agree with the school proposal. When things are thought of in these terms it is very likely to introduce a mentality of trying to "beat them" ... whoever "them" is.

I am very confident that there are many people engaged, actively or passively, in matters catalysed by the future of the school who do not want to take "sides". They have preferences, but certainly would not consider that they are competing against others who have other preferences.

My biggest concern is the potential by-product of "sides" is that individuals or groups consider themselves "winners" and "losers". In my opinion that would not be healthy for the local community post any decisions on the future of the school, new site, old site, no site. A collaborative community is a healthy and sustainable community and won't have "sides".

To me Collboration is the result of 3 other things coming together. (1) Communication ... talking, listening, receiving and understanding information as it was intended (hence why the written word can be dangerous, and a great cause of unintended misunderstanding!), leading to (2) Cooperation ... built on trust, working together to tackle issues or to create opporunities, leading to (3) Concession ... enabling progress to continue to be made despite holding an alternative opinion on something.

So, if anyone is about to expend energy into "going into battle" or "arguing back" with "the other side / camp / opposition / 'enemy'", perhaps they would consider channelling that energy into collaborating ... share an idea, propose a solution.

Just a thought!