Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority

Joshua Calder
The author of this petition

/ #14 Re: Concerned Citizen

2014-04-22 19:06

#11: - Concerned Citizen

Well "concerned citizen" i believe we have identified who the real bigot is here. I never said i was without sin, however, when i jeapordized the virtue of my department i quit. I did that so the negative light would remain upon myself and not the fine officers that i served with. You are right with one statement, i am not proud of all i have done in the past, however i own up to my mistakes, learn from them, and move forward.

The conduct of of an officer is the public's business as they are public servants and they hold the public trust. it is individuals like yourself who make this about sexual orientation not the violation of the public trust. I worked with TJ for years prior to and after this incident. I could have cared less about who he courted until the reporting of this incident.

I will stand up for what i believe is right and fight against what is wrong, even if that means its one of my coworkers. if you did your research then you should also know why Brown was fired from the Southern Ute PD, but you neglect to mention it in your ill concieved diatribe.

It seems to me that the integrity issue is something you need to look inward at, i have identified myself and stand my ground, can or would you do the same?