Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority


/ #17 Morality

2014-04-22 19:33

Dear Concerned citizen, First of all bravo on the stellar grammar and spelling! Additionally, credibility is a reflection of your character which is evident in your extensive use of profanity. You did spell all of those words right. You should work on the others. Moral: Considered right and good by MOST people; of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior. Obviously you don't have children of your own, nieces, nephews, or any friends that have children. Simply ask yourself how law would factor in if someone in a position of authority to children including teachers, police officers, etc. had a sexual relationship with a 16 year old male OR female? This happens more often with men and young girls statistically. The public reacts the same way! It is not acceptable! Legal, maybe...moral NO!