Divergent series book 3 "Allegiant" rewrite


/ #48 Seconding the fanfiction suggestion

2014-07-08 00:52

I agree with many of the comments posted here. Obviously, Roth has the right to tell her story her way, but just as obviously, readers have the right to dislike it and to be as vocal about that as they want. Personally, I felt that "Allegiant" was weak in many ways. It lacked character development and was very inconsistent with the first two books (in both the plot and the characterizations). To me, it ended up feeling like a spin-off book rather than the conclusion to the trilogy.

That said, I really don't expect Roth to write a fourth book or an alternate ending. I'll sign the petition on the one-in-a-thousand chance that she listens, but she seems to be happy with "Allegiant," and I really doubt anything will change that.

Because of that, I'll second the person above who suggested fanfiction. There are probably close to 100 "happy ending" fanfics out there that assume the first part of "Allegiant" took place but have Tris survive and go on to finish the story from there. There are also at least a few fanfics that pick up at the end of "Insurgent" with a completely original third book. I wrote one called "Determinant" that you're welcome to check out if you're interested (it's under the pen-name Windchimed, so search on "Windchimed Determinant" and it will come up). Reading some of those might help you feel better about the trilogy. (And no, we don't make any money off fan-fiction, so while it probably sounds self-serving for me to mention my story here, I don't gain anything whether or not you read it. :-)