Developmentally Challenged have been denied access to services


/ #77

2014-10-17 20:01

My son is, and always will be developmentally challenged. With this, yes he may be able to walk, but by no means will he ever be able to walk for long periods of time due to his extremely low muscle tone. A 5 minute walk to him is equivalent to us walking up a steep hill with no rest or stopping, for an hour. Let's see you try that and see how mobile you are after that. On top of his low tolerance mobility, his thought processing is very slow, and will always be this way; along with visual issues both being legally blind and can not Track anything that is horizontally mobile. Which means he will likely never read independently. With all this said, no he may not be physically disabled, but all of his developmental disabilities leave him equally disabled as one with physical disabilities. Therefore leaving him in major danger both physically and safety/health wise. He will always require systems like handy transit in his future, to be able to thrive successfully outside of his own dwelling. To hear of this news greatly saddens me and sets worry and fear Into me, for not only my sons future, safety, well being and a chance at having as normal a life he so deserves, but all of his other developmentally and mentally disabled "family". This new regulation of yours, Sudbury, need to change now!!