Developmentally Challenged have been denied access to services


/ #97

2014-10-18 02:38

My son has a global developmental delay and he relies on Handi Transit to get to work 2X/week, to his weekly bowling which is the only social outing he has, to doctors appointments etc. Without this service he totally loses his independence. He is sad and worried that he will have to quit everything he loves to do. He will be forced to stay home. We have worked so hard to teach him how to become independent enough to participate in the community and to have a good quality of life. Taking all this away is very devastating for him and for us. We are hoping that the City will listen and give the developmentally challenged individuals peace of mind to travel without anxiety to get them to their destination safely. It's not like they have a choice. They can't drive, they can't afford a taxi, they can't travel the public transit for too many common sense reasons to list, most of them can't even ride a bike or know how to cross intersections safely & they don't always have family or friends to depend on. Why should they? They are paying for this service just like anyone else. Don't they deserve to be considered as all other citizens? Please! change this ridiculous policy. Disability is a disability. It's easy to cut back on the most vulnerable ones that can't fight back. Shame on you Handi Transit!