
/ #26

2014-10-19 04:29

The first lady should realise that some of these journeys we have undertaken are journeys of necessity, it is a matter of life and death. With opportunities far between, with the very little arising being stolen from people of matland through nepotism from people in the east what is expected of a tribe that has been decimated first by an illegal Gukurahundi. I have had a privilege to travel to the east in my time in Zimbabwe and it is amazing at the frequency of primary and secondary schools say every five kilometres. On the flipside when you look at matland one would not the lesser frequency. The first lady is ill informed by her advisors and the huge blame lays heavily on the local zanu pf leadership who prefer to not call a spade a spade in their quest for self enrichment. Self enrichment is the cancer that the first lady must be addressing not well meaning men that decide to make ends meet honestly. What is wrong in gaining an income honestly doing a menial job? Is there honour in the corruption that zanu pf has perpetuated and/ or allowed to run the country to the ground. Is this the Zimbabwe that zanu pf went to war for, matland is turning towards being peopleless now, with regards to the indigenous folk.
The real problem "Dr" Grace emanates from the leadership in its failure to create a conducive atmosphere where an ordinary jack can thrive, when you point that index finger at matland men please look at the number of fingers pointing back at you. This rhetoric we have heard for the last 15 years or so with the advent of the mdc yet it does not feed the nation, we want solutions from state house lest this regime is remembered as one that led to broken households in matland. In future when academic sociologists study families in matland they may as well include one study relating to the role of this first family in the perceived disintegration of family in these areas