Bring Drivers Ed Back into Effingham Co. Schools


/ #24

2015-01-09 03:20

Any experience is better than none at all, Whether it's from hand on or simulator. I have taught all my kids to drive and try to teach them that certain areas are extremely dangerous because of heavy traffic or visibility. I don't make them avoid those areas, but I ask that use extreme caution and to always watch whats going on around them. And a green light does not mean they have to go right then, But to watch for the distracted drivers that may run the red light. Just because your right doesn't mean to pull out and get hit and risk their lives or somebody elses and I would rather than them be late than and arrive home safely than to speed and get involved in an accident and me lose them forever. Just teach these young drivers be courteous and focus on driving when they are behind the wheel, not phones and to make sure they are familiar with surroundings where they will be driving. Tell them to turn right instead of trying to turn left in some areas and if there is an intersection with a red light and one without to use the one with signal light even if it takes 5 minutes longer.