Off-leash dog parks SLC


/ #22

2015-02-02 18:29

Dog owners love their dogs and go to extraordinary and sometimes inconvenient measures (in travel) to ensure the health and welfare of their beloved canines. Exercise, by allowing dogs to run freely is a great way to achieve optimal health, well-being and bonding/socializing with other dogs, not to mention their owners social time. There is something about a dog on a leash that modifies their personality to where positive socializing with other dogs or people is difficult. We live in a giving and charitable community and people of supportive and participate in dog adoptions to give homeless pets a life. It feels like a missing link between adopting breeds requiring exercise who need to run, swim, sniff, play etc, but not offering good, friendly off-leash parks. Dogs learn that other dogs are just like them and play and bond, without a need to protect and fight. Has any thought been given to making certain parks off leash, such as, on odd days etc? That way those without dogs may have their time to walk/gather/talk, and those with dogs have time to enjoy their best friend ever, their dog.