
/ #57

2015-03-08 01:21

Wow, Hawthorn Woods at it again.

If the mayor, and everyone else on the board would do what they are suppose to, instead of wasting our tax money on this, and instead work on our roads, and community. Have you not noticed, people are moving out of HW. This use to be a great place to live 17 years ago, it has really gone down hill. Nothing is done for the people here in HW, the taxes keep increasing, but the quality of community is gone. Roads are crap, snow plowing poor, car stickers, dog tags, etc. continue to go up, but what has the board done for the people that live here? NOTHING! SAD! 

Streams use to be cleaned out, now the home owner has to do it, and if dead trees need to e removed, we the home owners need to pay for a permit, and do the work ourselves if we are able or hire someone. the elderly can't do this nor do they have the money. Hawthorn Woods use to clean out the streams to keep the flow going, and clean out the wooded area. The wooded area is also Hawthorn Woods, the boards responsibility, 10 years ago this was done. It helped keep the woods growing, now everythin is dieing. Soon you will have to call it Hawthorn, the woods will be gone...have of the trees have fallen over, but the board doesn't care! 

So very sad the place we moved to is no longer, it was beautiful, there was a sence of community, not any more...

We realise things change, but it is usaually for the better, not for the worse. Check out Indian Creek road, you sure can tell where Long Grove starts, and Hawthorn Woods is. What a big difference in plowing, road side maintance, and tree trimming. HW saving money, and we the residence suffer, and still have our taxes increased!