Thank the Lord my home sold!

/ #151 Re: Re: Re:

2015-08-14 11:38

#150: BS Detector - Re: Re:  

 Dear BS Detector,


You should be a private investigator. And go back to school to learn proper English. YOU HAVE A GRUDGE. IT IS VERY CLEAR. I read the article as well as no matter the issue of the breed, you have gone to extreme measures to hurt the dog owner. The dog should go to another home. And you should go back to school. Dogs bark and protect. That is their job. You must hate dogs or hate the dog owners. You should be ashamed of yourself. Get on some medication as you are a miserable individual. I believe these owners were duped into that article. Shameful journalism to not present both sides. The paper is a sham of pure integrity. It is owned by the Trib but they don't take phone calls, and when your paper is missing you call another country. My dog was bitten by a small dog weighing 5-10 lbs. I know my neighbors have been bit by this tiny dog. But I didn't call to have the dog killed. Again, please get a life or get some help for your anger issues.