Revisit proposed Harefield Youth Center Plan


/ #6

2016-06-15 22:14

I signed this petition as our elected councillors did not listen to us. All councillor Palmer was interested in was that she did not want to lose the money for this in January at the HRTA meeting. They never once approached anyone from Harefield as to where this should go. The siting of this youth centre is as best the worst decision proposed. From the underhanded way they have done this from over turning a long standing of over 50 years of a covenant from recreation park to open space and telling no one about it. The non exsistant consultation with any of the residents, An insulting traffic report comparing us with another youth centre that is hardly open and as far anyway from residents. The size of the building and I quote the councillor and the chairman of the planning committee "it's tight and you will need a shoe horn to make it fit , but it just about fits"- this was said a couple of times and the chairman actually laughed when he said this . It will not be policed. If the there is a fire, it will be a complete nightmare for for the fire brigade to get around Ashgrove to deal with it. Parking is an nightmare, but knowing how the council operates they will something up their sleeves for this. This youth centre will be open for 6 and 1/2 days of the week from 9am to 10pm at night with absolutely no respite whatsoever, all year round. We will have total strangers coming into our community and this will make our elderly residents feel even more vulnerable, especially since we have been told that teenagers that have been expelled from the education system will be using this facility . This will not be supported by the people of Ashgrove , the vicar of St Marys Church , HRTA and the people of this village.

This needs to go back to planning and reconsidered and another site looked at asap.As was stated by the tory councillors at the planning meeting "Was any other site looked at -the reply was NO... "Was any other site considered - the reply was NO" So if they said that they did, then they can be considered liars and that they will need to look at the YouTube clip of the meeting as it is there in glorious technicolour. Dated and time stamped.

This a pure vanity project for the tory council.If another site cannot be found, the money, would be better spent on having a stronger ties with what we have already in this village and bringing back a police presence in which we pay for but very sadly lack in.

For Hillingdon Council to boast about the Ashgrove youth centre in their seasonal magazine a couple of days before the planning meeting decision smacks of something very under handed and boasts in the same breath that they won another award for three years on the trot for open spaces and recreation parks .

The word hypocrites springs to mind... This needs to be looked at again and sooner the better .