
/ #341

2016-08-24 17:08

this person is stuid idiot that that think hasbro is evil and you think you have you big pass on you idiot so if you think hasbro is evil get you mind asamon or go to a meental word because they names you saing is stupid and you are stupid heller 1/10of the stupid side you are on is a 10 because you are a rases and a person how this transformers came from hell or the taking the mick on othe people coller you are a stupid person you know that think about.transformers are drugs and sex and people coller you know you are your are rank secound on the stupid if you think of coplaing about hasbro again you are in the dog house do you know that do you know that if you being so stupid you do need children and you dont neeed your home so go and be a hobo or something like that because if you being so affencive to hasbro go and ding a holl because you blong in dont be a idot and get your mind strat because you dont now what you are doing and from me find a holl and put your self in it