Resignation of Centinela Valley Sch.Brd. & Superintendent

Quoted post


#7 Whole story not even out yet...

2014-03-23 16:58

There hasn't even been any focus yet on his bullying of teachers. One of the ways he's been able to do what he does is steamroll teachers who speak out against him. We new to get him out now! We need way more than 74 signatures!



#9 Re: Whole story not even out yet...

2014-03-23 17:58:54

#7: - Whole story not even out yet...

Several paper petitions are also circulating thru the communitites of Hawthrone and Lawndale.  The business owners that are taxed at 7cents a square foot of building for the the parcel tax, are also being personaly told in the community.