Divergent series book 3 "Allegiant" rewrite

Quoted post



2014-04-17 20:21

I honestly can't believe that she killed tris. The amount of near death experiences tris had already faced, what was the point of everything?! Caleb got to live when he was a traitor?! He was willing to see his sister die 'for the greater good?!' so can someone explain to me what the whole point of tris journey was, if she was going to die anyway? She may as well have died when she jumped from the moving car to the building on choosing day, instead of falling in love with tobias, and making friends with christina. It was bad enough that she had killed Uriah, but tris as well? Sure, now future generations dont have to choose a faction, nor do they have to hide their divergence, but I don't care BECAUSE THERE WILL NEVER BE ANY TOBIAS AND TRIS BABIES. I can't stand when divergent is compared to the hunger games, but do you see how everything basically worked out for katniss and peeta? Sure, there were deaths, but the two main characters got to grow old together, have kids, and move on with their lives. Tris didn't have to die for their to be a better world. She survived the death serum, she would have lived if david hadn't of shot her. It was such an unnecessary ending. This petition is truly a great idea, but veronica won't re write it. So, the best advice i can give you is FORGET ABOUT THIS BOOK, GO AND FIND A REALLY GOOD FANFICTION ENDING WHEN TRIS SURVIVED THE ACCIDENT, SHE'S IN A COMA AND SHE IS PREGNANT WITH A BABY THEN SHE WAKES UP AND FOUR AND TRIS LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER.



#32 Re:

2014-04-24 02:48:37

#31: angel -

Thank you, you made my day with this comment. I truely feel this way too. Thats why i created this petition. For fans like us.

Teal penguin

#42 Re: good ending

2014-06-23 20:11:57

I like that ending. I'll talk to my friends and see if we can write it together. I know they didn't like the endig

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2014-06-23 20:12:45