Help get permission for Conrad to own a therapy dog in Bellamont Gardens

Quoted post



2014-07-31 06:47

Right I am going to have my 5c worth. I live in Bellamont Gardens. If you are a Tenant you DO NOT have rights. Buy a property there and then you do have rights. We have paid big money for our units. Also the dog that she is requesting is a Labrador. We do not as such have gardens the areas in front of our properties is common property. Are you all okay for her to corner off a SMALL piece of grass for this beautiful dog. You are all seriously not looking at it from the animals point of view. This little boy get extremely aggressive when he has his fits. Where is this poor dog to hide when he is going through these fits and what if no matter how well the dog is trained he bites the little boy. Come on people. If she wants a dog go and rent a house. Seriously?????



#66 RE: Your 5c back

2014-08-01 11:36:57

#60: -

Your 5c is so not worth the big money you have paid for your unit. Not only are you discriminating against Shelley and Conrad (yes, they do have names) but you have are also putting them into a catagory trying to insinuate that they are not worthy to be residence in YOUR complex as it seems to me you are the sole owner of Bellamont Gardens and all final decisions are made by you. I am Ashley Shelley's sister, who started this petition against you snobs. See unlike you I am not scared to use my name as you are. Coward, I guess. There has been no decision as to what service dog Conrad may get. So, please do not make assumptons before you have the facts. Tell me, have you ever had a one on one with Conrad? Who gives you the right to say "This little boy get extremely aggressive when he has his fits. Where is this poor dog to hide when he is going through these fits and what if no matter how well the dog is trained he bites the little boy." Have you ever seen Conrad interacting with any animal? I pray to God that you will never have to be in the same situation as what Shelley is in as I can guarantee you, it will be a lonely jorney for you. Remember, what you give out to others does come back to you. I hope you are able to sleep at night.


#75 Re:

2014-08-06 17:06:26

#60: -  

 read top of page 10 of the Northglen News, dated 8 August

Sick of BS

#84 Re:

2014-09-24 12:36:36

#60: -  

Oh you dimwit! It is a pity that you didn't save some of that 'big money' that you paid for your your unit because then perhaps your opinion would have been worth more than 5 cents!!!

The scary part is that you actually believe the rubish that you type!! Sounds to me like you don't even have the brain to think for yourself.

Tenants have no rights? Which part of the world do you live in? Or have you been hitting that wine bottle a bit too hard lately?

The last time I checked, all South African citizens were protected by the CONSTITUTION...this does not mean that once a person moves into Bellamont Gardens that they lose their rights, as much as most of trustees would like that to happen. Then of course there is also the Rental Housing Tribunal, google it, you can learn a lot by taking those blinkers off.

Then of course, Conrad is also protected by the United Nations on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa, which was ratified by South Africa in 2007.


So until you have anything remotely wise and worthy to contribute to this forum please keep your whole five cents worth of nonsense to yourself!

Oh and by the way, the bank owns your property until that last five cents is paid, so rather hang onto it ;)


“Among the yardsticks by which to measure a society’s respect for human rights, to evaluate the level of its maturity and its generosity of spirit, is by looking at the status that it accords to those members of society who are most vulnerable, disabled people, the senior citizens and its children” – T M Mbeki (November 1997). INDS White Paper