Change the High School zoning for Silverton

Quoted post


#5 DITTO #3

2014-10-21 00:50

The people signing this petition have no clue! Their kids are probably in Silverbay now and they are signing with blinders on. Ask someone who has a kid at TRN about the experience they are having there. You will think twice!



#13 Re: DITTO

2014-10-21 01:54:29

#5: - DITTO 

 I signed even though it won't effect me. I have a graduate and a sophomore at North. I feel the kids would be better off at East. They leave all their friends from TRIE behind and go to a school where they know very few kids. They TRIN kids all have their clicks and don't have a need for new friends. It is the same district and so therefore they are getting the same education with the benefit of smaller class sizes. 


#20 Re: DITTO #3

2014-10-21 02:11:51

#5: - DITTO #3 

 Ask me!!!  I have a freshman at HSN and she is miserable because all of her peers are at HSE!!  This issue is not about what school is bigger, better, less drugs, prettier, etc.  This is solely about the fact that every single child in this district is provided the opportunity to remain with their social peers from intermediate school through senior year EXCEPT FOR THE KIDS FROM SILVERTON AND SQUIRE VILLAGE.  So take your child from his/her peers at ninth grade and put him/her in a new school without them and then answer this petition.