Protect the Elham Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Quoted post



2015-05-03 20:43

Permisssion was denied for an internal road and hard surfacing in 2010 as "it would be an excessively visually obtrusive and permanent change to the character and appearance of this site within the Kent Downs AONB and North Downs SLA, which would be harmful to the predominantly undeveloped rural character, contrary to the long-term management objectives" 

I can't see how this standpoint would have changed

Surely this means that there is no permission for the current work being undertaken at the site. Therefore wouldn't it be a good idea for anyone in the area who can photograph and document all works at the site, as it is undoubtedly infringing planning legislation.




#134 Re:

2015-05-04 09:35:50

#131: -  

Unfortunately whilst permission was recommended to be denied, the applicant withdrew the planning application before it was actually denied. Shepway then failed to enforce the removal of the road. Now it has been there for more than 4 years it may not be able to be removed through enforcement. The current owner has a LDC and Site Licence and is able to do most of the works on site without further planning permission.