Cudworth Unites

Quoted post



2015-05-23 14:57

Is this the Council and developers pushing a decision through without listening to the Cudworth community and common sense, I hope not! There is plenty of land off the new bypass that has been built which would not infringe on the residents or traffic within estates of the local community. Lunn Road is already exceptionally busy, this has been created by the housing developments over the last 10 years and I fail to see how it can cope with any increase in volume of traffic. Carrs Lane is narrow and winding and in one section it is dangerous for the many villagers who use the lane to walk down to the beautiful countryside offered in this area.
Council Stephen Houghton and Leader of the Council, previously lived on the estate off Carrs Lane and I would ask if this proposal would have even got this far if he still lived here? Come on Mr Houghton you out of everyone must know how valuable this area is to the people of Cudworth show your support and put a halt to this now. Everyone should write to Mr Houghton to ensure he hears your voice, he is elected to listen and act on behalf of the people who elected him.



#41 Re:

2015-05-27 17:39:07

#14: -  

 This is Councillor Stephen Houghton's reply to my email concerning the development:

'The proposals from Barratt development are at an early stage and no planning application has yet been received.  Therefore there will not be a decision by the end of June.  The land in question was allocated as land safeguarded for housing development as far back as 25 years ago.  Therefore the decision that this land is suitable for housing was made at that time, so the question then becomes about the nature and type of development that is being proposed and, as you suggest, the impact on the local community. Local Members have raised concerns with the Planning Department on behalf of the residents and will continue to do so.  We do not support the current proposal.  The Planning Department are looking at issues such as highways impact, impact on local schools and impact on the character of the area as you yourself suggest. We will continue to talk to the Planning Officers about this proposal and they in turn with Barratt to see what changes can be made.  I will  keep you up to date when there is further information. ThanksCouncillor Sir Steve Houghton'