502 Producers & Processors: ACT NOW! Sign this Petition to the LCB!

Quoted post



2016-02-07 17:48

I believe that the LCB has been charged with the extremely difficult task of establishing rules and regulations to govern an industry which has never existed before in our State's history. I think they have been mandated to perform this task with inadequate funding and less than clear direction from the Legislature.

I further believe that to date the process to develop these rules and regulations has been seriously flawed as it does not include the input from ALL stakeholders. What may seem like a logical approach from a Legislator's, Retailer's or Laboratory's perspective, may and does in fact create undue hardship on the Farmer. What may seem like a good idea to a large Farmer, may not work so well for the small operation. What may work for Farmers, may not work for one of the other groups.

In closing, I would urge the Board to reconsider the proposed rule changes and to do so with input from an industry advisory
group(s) representing all stakeholders.


Cannabis Farmer Tier 2

#22 Re:

2016-02-08 21:32:18

#4: -  

 I second this statement