INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: Education For All Amidst Diversity

                  Inclusivity in Diversity:

      Embracing Each Child's Individuality


Inclusive education is a learning setting where students, with and without disabilities, are taught alongside one another on an equal basis. It seeks to integrate children with special needs in a flexible educational environment, ensuring that they'll get a high-quality education to reach their full potential.
Inclusion in schools provides students opportunities for social interaction. It improves their communication skills, self-esteem, the development of warm and caring relationships, and access to models of appropriate behavior. Young learners will have an increased awareness of human differences and have positive growth in social cognition after helping others.

Unfortunately, exclusion persists and not all schools have evolved to be more inclusive. Children with disabilities continue to face educational isolation and school systems in the Philippines, both urban and non - urban, are under-resourced. Thus, it leads to vulnerability of meeting such challenging issues as effective inclusive education exasperates the problem.

However, the best way to create an Inclusive school is for teachers to have collaboration and instill the family-school-community relationship. When teachers collaborate, they will be able to help each other, share experiences, identify gaps and establish interventions. In addition, the most effective schools are those in which parents and the community are intricately involved. Parents and families are integral parts because they are the ones who can provide important information about the needs and characteristics of the children that will help the school acquire knowledge. Also, community involvement is necessary because its members are responsible for ensuring that every child is included and supported. We must create an environment that appreciates diversity and promotes equality because it is the environment that needs change, not the child.

Jan Corrine P. Enad    Contact the author of the petition

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