Put back the names Greenfield Park and Saint-Hubert on our signs

Contact the author of the petition

The 19th of January I will be presenting the petition at the Longueuil City Council Meeting ** I need some citizens to accompany me...

2016-01-04 00:56:34




On Jan.19th, 2016, I will present the petition requesting that the City of Longueuil put back the names of Saint-Hubert and Greenfield Park on our public signs where they have been removed  at Longueuil City Council during question period.

To date, we have about 1400 signatures including electronic and paper versions.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your support.



Together we have more power and impact

For a greater impact, I am recruiting citizens who would be willing to go to the meeting  but also some citizens who would be willing to go up to the microphone to ask a strategic question or make a comment in relation to how this city is erasing our visual identity. 


If you are willing to come to the meeting and-or if you would be willing to be one of the 15 plus people who will be going up to the microphone to speak, kindly contact me at:    by text or phone :  438-931-9950   or by facebook (Brian Peddar in Saint-Hubert) or by email :   peddaratvideotron.ca     (at = the email symbol which this site does not allow me to use on this page)

Kindly leave your name and email address and-or phone number where I can reach you. 


Thank you,


Brian Peddar


***Date of the Petition Presentation at Council***: Tues. Jan.19,2016


Council session starts at: 19h00 - 7 pm


Time when you can register yourself to be allowed to ask question during question period: 18 h 20 - 6:20 pm


Location of Council Meeting : 4250, chemin de la Savane Saint-Hubert, Longueuil(Quebec) (Military base and Saint-Hubert airport are both beside the town hall).



Brian Peddar

The 19th of January I will be presenting the petition at the Longueuil City Council Meeting ** I need some citizens to accompany me...

2016-01-04 00:48:41


On Jan.19th, 2016, I will present the petition requesting that the City of Longueuil put back the names of Saint-Hubert and Greenfield Park on our public signs where they have been removed  at Longueuil City Council during question period.

To date, we have about 1400 signatures including electronic and paper versions.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your support.



Together we have more power and impact

For a greater impact, I am recruiting citizens who would be willing to go to the meeting  but also some citizens who would be willing to go up to the microphone to ask a strategic question or make a comment in relation to how this city is erasing our visual identity. 


If you are willing to come to the meeting and-or if you would be willing to be one of the 15 plus people who will be going up to the microphone to speak, kindly contact me at:    by text or phone :  438-931-9950   or by facebook (Brian Peddar in Saint-Hubert) or by email :   peddaratvideotron.ca     (at = the email symbol which this site does not allow me to use on this page)

Kindly leave your name and email address and-or phone number where I can reach you. 


Thank you,


Brian Peddar


***Date of the Petition Presentation at Council***: Tues. Jan.19,2016


Council session starts at: 19h00 - 7 pm


Time when you can register yourself to be allowed to ask question during question period: 18 h 20 - 6:20 pm


Location of Council Meeting : 4250, chemin de la Savane Saint-Hubert, Longueuil(Quebec) (Military base and Saint-Hubert airport are both beside the town hall).





Brian Peddar

Here are some comments from citizens who have signed the petition: Please share petition with one more person today....

2015-05-21 02:19:55

I don't want to lose Greenfield Park's identity.



May 04, 2015, 15:14

To preserve Greenfield Park's identity.



May 04, 2015, 20:02

I was brought up in Greenfield Park and not Longueuil.

This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)

May 04, 2015, 23:55

  • Date of removal: May 04, 2015
  • Reason for removal:



May 05, 2015, 02:03

I love Greenfield Park. Never wanted to be part of Longueuil.



May 05, 2015, 20:57

My father had a part in creating the town of Lafleche, which is now a borough of St. Hubert. Must we lose all our identity?



May 06, 2015, 03:13

Sense of fairness



May 06, 2015, 14:08

I signed because it is the only right thing to do



May 06, 2015, 16:34

I am living in Greenfield Park since 1973. I liked the given name to this city. No one has a right to undo this name - as I think.



May 06, 2015, 23:02

I signed this petition because I have lived in Greemfield Park for 50 years and that is a big part of my life and played a big part in building the park as it is today and brought my child up
in this Town and I am proud to say I am from the Park. Ray L



May 07, 2015, 01:39

I grew up in Greenfield Park



May 07, 2015, 14:38

Respect for the residents that built this beautiful community,and the athletes and other individuals given this privledge. We should be proud of in their achievements and mark our heritage from Greenfield Park!



May 08, 2015, 16:01

I have pride in the fact that I am from Greenfield Park and want it to stay that way!!



May 09, 2015, 04:38

GFP Legion



May 09, 2015, 20:31

We implore the city of Longueuil to take our concerns to keep and replace signage that has been removed of the name Greenfield Park and replaced with Longueuil not as a show of contempt for Longueuil but as a means to keep what we hold dear. There is a strong Anglo and French Canadian Quebecois history that binds Greenfield Park, the two have built this town and lived in harmony all these years please help us preserve this heritage. This small gesture will go a long way in assuring us that Longueuil cares and works with and for us as well.

Tank You

Albert Coccia



May 10, 2015, 01:46

My husband and I have lived in Greenfield Park for over 50 years and the name of the town is very dear to us. We certainly want to keep the name and to be known as "Greenfield Parkers".



May 10, 2015, 14:53

Change and improvement are important but not as important as heritage and history. Keep the original names too!!



May 11, 2015, 18:18

The identity of any community is fundamental to it's existence .
Street signs and other symbols are a vehicle towards this identity.



May 11, 2015, 18:21

I want to keep my Greenfield Park identity.



May 11, 2015, 18:22

Happy and proud to say that I live in Greenfield Park, Quebec


May 15, 2015, 19:39




May 16, 2015, 22:14

I often go to Greenfield Park to see friends and to attend meetings and I am offended that the borough name has been totally replaced by the large city of Longueuil. Both names should be on the signs.(example(La Salle)
Thank you



May 17, 2015, 02:11

We should be back as independant municipality!much better services and security before joining the big city of longueuil



May 17, 2015, 18:52

Since the citizens of Greenfield Park pay taxes, they should have a say regarding signage in their community. Also, it is extremely important to preserve Greenfield Park's heritage.



May 20, 2015, 03:15

I chose Greenfield Park as a small community to settle down and raise a family. Now it is gradually being absorbed (like Parizeau's lobsters going into the pot of boiling water) into the aptly-named agglomeration. Unless people take a stand NOW, I can guarantee that all signs of our (former) community will have disappeared within a couple of years.

Brian Peddar

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