Americans for Improving Social Security and Medicare; make Social Security a real living income.

Petition to the President of the United States and all members of Congress...

From Americans for improving Social Security and Medicare:

No one on Social Security should be getting less than $2,700.00 a month.

Workers who received poverty wages during their working lives are forced into even more extreme poverty when they can no longer work and there is no justification for this kind of legislatively enforced poverty... this is an injustice Social Security was never meant to enforce poverty and there must be legislation forthcoming now to correct this injustice.

And this injustice is made even worse by forcing pensioners to pay $144.00 a month for Medicare Part B which still requires very high-priced supplemental insurance which still doesn’t cover many medical procedures.

Medicare should cover 100% of all medical including prescription drugs, dental, vision and hearing.

We have paid enough into the Social Security and Medicare systems during our working years to more than cover our health care and provide for real living incomes in our retirement years.



Alan Maki


Americans for Improving Social Security and Medicare

phone: 512-517-2708



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Let's talk about the politics and economics of livelihood.

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