As a property owner of the Walnut Grove Neighborhood in Forsyth County Georgia I immediately call for the Walnut Grove HOA to take the following actions regarding the POA and Covenant renewals.

As a property owner of the Walnut Grove Neighborhood in Forsyth County Georgia I immediately call for the Walnut Grove HOA to take the following actions regarding the POA and Covenant renewal:

1.  Stop all efforts to convert Walnut Grove HOA to a POA under Georgia Law.

2.  Stop spending any HOA funds for Legal fees for the POA effort.

3.  Renew the current Walnut Grove HOA Covenants as is without any changes.

4.  Minimize any and all egal fees incurred by the Walnut Grove HOA to the absolute minimum required to keep the HOA in legal compliance. 


This Petition is important for the following Reasons:

1.  A POA would allow the HOA to change the Covenants with a 2/3 (66%) vote vs 3/4 (75%) vote.

2.  Current Changes to the HOA Covenants only apply to Property Owners that vote for them.  If the POA passes with a 2/3 vs 3/4 vote then the changes would apply to all property onwers.

3.  The POA would potentially allow the HOA to fine residents for violations of the Covenants.

4.  Currently the HOA holds the lowest lien on each property. Meaning they would have to clear any other liens prior to foreclosure.  This means foreclosure by the HOA would be extremely difficult.  With the POA the HOA essentially becomes first lien holder above even the Mortgage company.  This means it’s not only possible but much easier for the HOA to foreclose on your property.

5.  If the HOA is successfully in converting to a POA and changes the Covenants to include fines then they could foreclose on you property for fines over $2000. 




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