Butte County Roosters Matter 2022


As a resident in Butte County I am shocked at the limitation of having roosters on our own property. My family has had a rooster for over a year now. My 5 children have bonded with and love our Rudy the rooster. Typically the hens and rooster free range during the day and are in their coop's at night. On September 20 I had to attend a funeral out of town, the chickens had to stay in their coop to ensure their safety while I could not be home with them. During that day my rooster was not very happy and made noise. My neighbor took it upon himself to call code enforcement only then I learned that in Butte County there is a limitation on one rooster per 5 acres. Being a mother of five it is became very important for me and my family to ensure we have a steady healthy supply of eggs. I began my flock in 2020 when the pandemic started. As a chicken owner I insure our chickens are pampered and have a great life on our 2 acres. In today's economy it is important to have a rooster to not only protect our flocks but to keep our hens happy and healthy. Butte County has municipal code 24 section H that states the limitation to having roosters to only on 5 acres parcels. While living in unincorporated Very low density rural on 2 acres is not enough to manage our own flocks. We live in a free country supposedly yet we are limited on raising our own healthy food. During this pandemic keeping a flock of chickens has become important to many families. With the skyrocketing cost of food and all other prices raising your own food has become pivotal. Like many of you I have experienced the food shortages, seeing empty shelves that where made for eggs is super disheartening. Supplying eggs raised on your own land, free range and organic is a huge benefit for not only your pocketbook but for Health and wellness for our families. Having a family in this day and age has become increasingly expensive so finding a way to mitigate the economic affects of food costs in the smallest ways really helps. There are many benefits to having roosters. Outside of the city limits hen owners deal with many wildlife situation such as hawks, foxes, raccoons, bobcats, bears and many other creatures that can destroy flocks. Roosters are a great deterrent to prevent and protect from wild animals attacks. Encouraging egg production can be accomplished by simply having a rooster in your flock. This ordinance was written not during a time that we currently live in. It is time for a change in the ordinance and help encourage others and support owners of roosters in Butte County. There is no ordinances on the keeping of peacocks which are louder and more troublesome than roosters. Well I understand that there may be some roosters that can cause problems and be rambunctious we chicken owners should have the option of keeping our roosters intern keeping our hens happy, healthy, safe and producing. Feeding our families should never come down to an ordinance. We are the land of the free, home of the brave. Will you stand with me bravely and support the right for others to raise their flocks in a way they see fit. #buttecountroostersmatter






Jynaia Proverbs Thirty    Contact the author of the petition

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