Call for a Referendum by the Citizens of South Africa

A petition by South Africans to call for a Referendum to reclaim our Independence and put a stop to Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates and Medical discrimination against the citizens. We request our Government to test vaccine mandates against our Constitution before allowing Corporations and Entities to enforce it on the population. The majority of South Africans have not accepted the vaccines as sole solution to Covid-19 as per our constitutional rights and based on the fact that the vaccines have not been fully approved and is still in a inconclusive trial phase. We stand firm on our constitutional rights and invoke our citizens right to demand a referendum based on the majority of South Africans resistance to forced vaccine mandates. We will use every legal tool available to us and included in our Constitution to give the choice back to the citizens to legally and peacefully make their voices heard and tell our Government that we will democratically decide!
Every signature on this petition brings us closer to giving back the power to choose, to the people so please do your part.

Note: Remember to confirm that you have signed on the email received after signing.

There is a Telegram group for updates on the progress:

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