
We all are suffering with a very dangerous situation of coronavirus. The number of cases are coming everyday with a new record and in this situation when every one is dying, Ccsu meerut is going to organise our paper in the month of July all the students are in the fear and stress that how the university will organise it, if any student will infect by corona virus can university take the responsibility of that student. Not everyone have their personal vehicle they will have the only option of public transport and it is not safe, many of them are in different regions and some have the internet issue also from which their syllabus are incomplete. The officials of ccsu and government should understand the situation. If a person is recover from corona virus all the  savings and investments gone disappear in the treatment and then a person may go in depression. Therefore, this is the request of all the students that no exam be taken and promote us all based on the previous record. We are geting it e-signed by the students as it is a collective request of all. Please consider this and take necessary steps in favour of the students.


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