Change The Timings For S3 online classes for all branches



We all are attending the so-called "ONLINE CLASSES", but we all know it is not that effective... Sitting in front of the phone for long hours and that too without a proper break... while we were going to classes we would get advice from teachers telling us not to sit in front of these electronic devices for long hours as it can affect our eyes as well as our brains...The current scenario of online classes are like this we all attend the class from say 9 AM to 9.50 AM, then it is said that the rest 10 minutes to 10'o clock is a break for us but what really happens is that teachers start taking attendance at this time or even some teachers are not stopping the class even at the previously said time, so thereby the so-called break time of ours is getting cut short to like 1 or 2 minutes give or take, and within this time the new link for the new class would come and we would be forced to enter that too. Another thing is that we all are facing all kinds of issues during this pandemic time and we are forced to help out with chores etc in our house as well as for some, they are also doing some part-time jobs in order to make both ends meet in their financial sides. So all these would be possible only after the "ONLINE CLASSES" and if these classes are extending to even 3.30 PM then it does not leave any time for those people to even do half their part-time job. Yeah yeah, education comes first but we know our financial situation, we need to do these menial jobs in order to pay for this education also. The other thing is about minor courses instead of making class for all the days of the week if it is possible to change it to Saturdays instead of the weekdays or include that too in the prepared time table before the end of the class at 1.30 PM. Then the timings and completion of the syllabus, which is going to be the question that is going to come up during this conversation, my answer to that is that other colleges around us are giving break times like 30 minutes and less number of hours per day...So if they can complete the topics with this time then we also can right? So I humbly request you guys to support us and make the management to make the changes accordingly... Please start raising your voice now or stay muted forever.  

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