Fountain Hills, Arizona, April 2021

Fountain Hills Unified School District #98
16000 East Palisades Blvd
Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268

ATTN: FHUSD Board Members Mrs. Nadya Jenkins (President), Mrs. Judy Rutkowski (Vice President), Mrs. Jill Reed, Dr. Wendy Miedel Barnard, and Mr. Dana Saar, and Superintendent Ms. Kelly Glass.


In the past year, in response to the COVID-19 situation, through Executive Orders of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, Resolutions of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, FHUSD Board actions, and other official actions, students in the FHUSD have been required to wear masks and practice social distancing.

On April 19, 2021, Governor Ducey removed the requirement that Arizona School Districts are to have such measures in place.

On April 19, 2021, the FHUSD issued a statement saying that such measures are still required in this District.

Various policies and programs are being pushed at the federal, state, and local level that encourage teaching that contradict traditional American values, such as teaching related to or similar to what are known as The 1619 Project, Critical Race Theory, and Systemic Racism.

Parents and citizens of Fountain Hills have expressed concern to you over these recent activities.

Therefore, the undersigned parents of students in Fountain Hills Unified School District #98 hereby declare the following:

1.We hereby assert our rights as parents to reject your imposition of masks, face shields, and social distancing on our children in our schools.

2.We hereby assert our rights as parents to reject your imposition of mandatory testing of our children’s temperatures and other biometric scans before entry onto our school grounds and participation in school-related programs, activities, and sports.

3.We hereby reserve our rights as parents to reject any future imposition of the foregoing measures or similar measures (unless already set forth in the Arizona Revised Statutes), such as vaccinations and separating or isolating children from others based on whether or not they are observing such measures. 

4.We hereby assert our rights as parents to demand that no curriculum containing teachings related to or similar to what are known as The 1619 Project, Critical Race Theory, and Systemic Racism be taught in our schools.

The undersigned concerned citizens support these declarations as well.Effective May 12, 2021, any failure of the District to acknowledge and peacefully allow these asserted rights will be met with peaceful, yet deliberate and dedicated opposition, including, without limitation, the use of all political, economic, and legal means necessary.


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