Defund Main Stream media

I have made this petition because everyone made before seems to have been hacked it keeps sending it to another one that’s number hasn’t moved in days and is 2 years older. 

-1.4 Billion Tax Dollors are thrown away every year to support the CBC with Justin Trudeau now wanting to give them “The state media” 400 million more so they can have less advertisements. The government covers 70%of their costs,

-Today, Fewer Canadians are watching CBC with the network taking just 5% of the available English television audience in Primetime.

-CBC's executives have extremely close ties to government and are sometimes ex CBC employees appointed BY the "who you know not What you know" philosophy which makes both government and the state run broadcaster very biased and dangerous at a top tier level.

-the CBC during Freedom Convoy 2022 handed over illegally obtained private information of Canadian citizens bank accounts to the public for the sole purpose of slander and defamation leading to frozen assets, bank accounts, and credit downgrades.  619F8AEC-2116-483E-A141-17B5693F0A3B.jpeg

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