end HMS dress code

this school is being extremely unfair and sexist with the dress code. it ongoingly targets young women and makes them feel unsafe in a environment that is supposed to make them feel included and loved. as young women and men we should be able to feel safe, comfortable, and respected in our HMS environment. we should not be getting targeted by faculty members for what we wear. we should not have to worry about distracting other people by wearing what we want, they are completely capable of keeping their eyes away. having a tear in jeans or exposing the leg is not, and should not be considered provocative or distracting. we are all living in unprecedented times. covid-19 has changed us all in drastic ways. as we continue to progress through the pandemic, masks can no longer be enforced in government funded establishments. if the school dress code can enforce covered shoulders but not a covered nose and mouth, neither should be enforced.

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