End the Mandates, U of I Boise

Petition to End the Mask Mandate at The University of Idaho College of Law, Boise

The time has come to end the mask mandate that was instituted because of the COVID-19 crisis that began over two years ago.  Each student has various tools to combat any concerns regarding COVID-19 such as vaccinations, distanced learning, and the option to mask based on personal preference.  The views of everyone at this school are incredibly diverse, and conformism to one viewpoint, and one line of behavior should not be forced upon those that disagree with the mandates.   


We ask the academic administration to immediately end the mask mandate for all classrooms and shared spaces on the College of Law’s Boise Campus and leave the decision of masking to personal choice.  


Students, when signing please use your vandal email address to prove that you’re a member of the student body, after signing you will receive an email asking you to confirm that you signed the petition.  You need to open this email and confirm you signed for the signature to be finalized. 

The Signing Student body of the University of Idaho College of Law's Boise Campus    Contact the author of the petition

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