Petition for the immediate withdrawal of the Licensing Regime


/ #289

2013-06-07 21:13

My views on the new MDA ruling
I think their main aim is to rein in Yahoo News SG as they fear her as she is an International News website with huge reach.
The new MDA ruling was announced on 28/5 and implemented on 1/06.
Why the rush and hurry ? ! Was it a life and death situation ?
Did something happened ? WHY ? !
Sadly this is not the only stupid ruling introduced. Stupid not only in the content of it but also the way it was introduced. Why the hurry, rush and haste ? !
It reflects VERY BADLY on the PAP. Indeed PAP and his green team is not performing efficiently and effectively. They are like bungling fools !
The PAP have learned nothing so far. Look at how they introduce new policies and have to flip/flop and backtrack. I am indeed surprised and don’t know why ?
1) The COE and car loan new policy. Alot of people lost their jobs because of this rushed policy.
2) The improper IMF Loan. Did not consult the president
3) The current MDA new website licensing. Why the rush ?!
Even the minster Yaacob did not attend the Taking Point to defend, explain or convince the people. He should be sacked for being a coward and done the worst way a minister could do in introducing a new ruling.
How come PAP perform so badly nowadays ? ! I am shocked and speechless.