Say no to stalybridge mosque


/ #494 Re:

2013-11-07 16:17

#490:No-one has the right to discriminate against someone in an unreasoning, bigoted way, THAT is racism. If for example someone objected to the siting of a West Indian OAP's club on the site of the Pineapple that could be considered as partially and irrationally, racially motivated. If however they objected to the siting of an Afro-Caribbean young men's hostel on the site, some of the opposition would no doubt be based on the fact that many people are aware that official statistics demonstrate young Afro-Caribbean men are massively disproportionately more likely to be involved in street muggings. That would therefore be reasoned, partially racially and gender based, opposition. There would for instance be no similar reason to oppose a women's Afro-Caribbean hostel. There would be a partially ageism based oppositition to ANY young men's hostel containg indigenous and/or varied homeless youths as other types of crime, such as vandalism, theft and drunkenness would be more likely to increase in the area. Reasoned opposition, WHATEVER it is based on isn't prejudice, unreasoning opposition IS.