town of hawkesbury on canada


/ #8 We pay for their usual!

2013-12-11 13:04

It seems to me that Mr. Mayor does not take any responsibility for anything in this town. He likes to shift the blame on everyone else but himself. Raising our taxes because of the Town's mistake is only going to line "their pockets or allow them to use our tax dollars on everything else other than the real necessities like fixing these horrible roads, bringing in new jobs and getting rid of the prostitution and drug problem". Why don't they tax the prostitutes instead of the homeowners??? Many people will protest and or move out of this Town that only focuses on Tourism and Real Estate. If Council actually cared about "it's people" they would do something like help the food bank and give children a safe place where they could go and have fun. I haven't seen my tax dollars doing much in this Town yet you want more!!!! I don't think so!