Save Watford FC Girls Centre of Excellence


/ #144 Choice of Centres

2011-06-06 20:40

After just hearing that Watford were judged against one other centre I have to question the original rational behind the restructuring. If this change is aimed at improving the quality of centres then all centres should have been considered against one another and those not up to standard removed. By removing excellent centres because they are in close proximity to one another strikes me as a cost cutting exercise, rather than an genuine attempt to improve the quality of women's training and the game. I am completely disgusted with this news. I had genuine hopes that over the years women's football would grow and improve. The investment in women's football is a drop in the ocean compared to the amount that is spent on the men's game. There may be an argument that women's football currently doesn't generate a large amount of revenue, however it never will if this is the kind of approach that the FA adopts towards the game.