Keep Original NISD Proposed Boundaries for Ellison Elementary


/ #21 Clarification

2013-12-13 23:05

I also interpreted the mention of "apartment kids" to be a third person reference from the view of the original opposition to the I-10 boundary. The reason I assumed that was because one of the original emails in opposition implied as much. That email, while kicking of the crusade against the I-10 Boundary, mentioned a decline in property values, as one of many reasons to fight the proposed borders. There were several other reasons listed, but I was finished with their crusade after reading that one, as it seemed to show the true reason. I immediately wrote an email in support of the original I-10 boundary as it kept a stronger feeder system for my child. She would not have to worry about making the transition to a large middle school, while moving with such a small class, that was split among two feeder systems.