Chase Away SL Jihadists - රටේ ද්‍රෝහීන් පන්නන ජාතික පෙත්සම


/ #220 Not a Tamil, Nor Pakistani, nor gay, your insults wash over me

2014-01-09 15:28

I am not a Tamil, as my name suggests I am a pacifist I do not support violence wherever it comes from, I have never ever supported the LTTE, what I do support though is human rights and the dignity of life for everyone.You people have a cheek to call yourselves Buddhists, the Buddha would be totally horrified at what goes on in SL under Rajapaksa, genocide of your Tamil brothers, violence against your Muslim brothers, murder of your journalists, crushing of all dissent with violence and disappearings. Shame on you, you may think all is great now but the whole world knows your all for what you are.