
/ #88

2014-02-12 11:06

I have sympathy with the workers, but they must also realize that they voted the current leadership into power. The lack of leadership is evident through out this country.The unions and their people must in this country look beyond colour and race and start to be responsible and accountable to society as a whole. We cannot just trash and burn when things don't go our way. Why don't we take our anger and frustrations and turn them into calculated open negotiations. The country and our city needs educated quality leadership at all levels. We will never be free as long as we have individuals who only have their own interest at hart and will achieve this at all cost. 20 Years of a democratic free country and we are on the verge of total collapse, ANC,DA,IFP,COPE and all the political parties is promising us everything we want, not one will stand up and say, nothing in live is for free and the money government spends is not theirs but actually the hard working tax-payers. We all need to re-look at how we contribute to the lawlessness and violence in our country and re-align and correct our ways. The unions has great power and therefore should take that and ensure through peaceful negotiations that they lift the corrupt and undeserving political figures from their current positions and replace them with people who has the necessary qualifications and knowledge to manage our cities. After 20yrs race, colour or nationality should not blind us, if we continue on this road there will be nothing left to strike about. We will be left with an empty shell whilst the people currently in-charge has filled their pockets and bank accounts will watch on TV from their hide-outs how we kill and rape each other.
Think with your head and not with your heart.