Army Rebasing at Larkhill South of The Packway


/ #17 Heartfelt feelings

2014-03-09 14:59

Having been a soldier, then officer for a total of 45 years , i feel I have the authority to comment on the planned building of the 500 homes in Durrington, it is madness in this day and age to build on greenfield sites, when there are numerous brownfield sites available, the area south of the packway is without doubt the best site, it will mask the old barracks that littered the area during the war, it will give soldiers car free access to thieir barracks and allow the families to use the current facilities in Larkhill, without the need for a second car. Durrington offers non of these advantages, building close to the the village will add to the urban sprawl that is fast becoming the blight of village life. I chose to live here because it was close to but not part of the garrison. 500 new army families will give Durrington a transit feel, it will not aid cohesion and intergration, it will do the opposite, we love our soldiers and cherish their commitment and lifestyle, but we do not want to be part off the garrison. Time for common sence to prevail.