Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu)

Concerned South African

/ #305

2014-04-09 15:14

There should be a proper balance between capital and labour. Labour cannot demand what the employer cannot afford to pay. If the demand is unrealistic then the employer has no choice for if it pays the unrealistic amount it goes insolvent and the mine closes or alternatively the mine is closed as a result of the strike. The employers will be forced to mecanise their operations which will result in hugh unemployment. Tell the union to provide employment for its members and lets see how many find employment.At the same time employers should not abuse their workers and see that they receive a living wage, commensurate with the income and expenses of the company and not allow unrealistic salaries and bonuses to be paid to management at the expense of general employees. Lets not create another Inkandla. Surely rational mathematics should show what a company can pay and not be bull dozed by a union official who has limited knowledge of acceptable businee principles.