Petition to Deny the Application of Preeta Bansal


/ #136

2014-10-11 19:52

To say that "minorities, especially, followers of Islam" are oppressed in India is a statement either of ignorance or bias or self-interest. Unfortunately, people with such views advance more or fast in various positions. India has offered so much freedom to minorities that the majority lost voice and is suppressed in every walk of life including education, jobs, other benefits etc. Such special rights should be abolished totally and every thing should be based on equal rights and merits for all citizens. This also should include abolishing all separate laws, such as Muslim law or Hindu law and have one law for all citizens. To the best of my knowledge, no Muslim country or Christian country has Hindu laws or such special minority rules.

Preeta Bansal could not wait for the legal process and made a judgement on CM Mody. She already has advanced beyond her level and does not deserve  to go any further.