We the Swedish people's official apology to the people of Israel


/ #32 Not true

2014-11-03 14:28

Hahaha. Who do you folks think you're kidding with this bullpoo, posted by professional posters of the Israel Cyber Army? Get real. The whole world of people with a conscience CONDEMN the fanatical, genocidal supremacist regime of Israel. If the PEOPLE of most countries had the privilege of voting their respective countries relationship to Israel, MOST states of the world would stand in utter condemnation of the ongoing, never-ending evil committed by Israel. On the subject of evil, there simply is no limit - no bottom of the moral barrel below which Israel will not stoop & wallow. It is the dirtiest society on earth and its crimes are the crimes of all the rest of the hellions throughout history raised to the nth power. So keep deluding yourselves. Keep dreaming that the Swedish people are not proud of what their government did in recongnizing Palestine. Your reasoning comes from the point of view of a racial and ethnic supremacist - the same brand (even worse) than the ones you condemn in the Third Reich. The naysayers were branded as 'anti-German' or 'anti Aryan.' You folks follow that script verbatim. Those who criticize your out-in-the-open crimes against humanity are mis-labeled 'anti-semites.' No one is buy that load of bull any more. Haven't you noticed?