Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #1222

2014-11-20 06:17

I want this show to stay on.... you have such garbage in so many reality shows.... I know the job Josh has and I was sorry to hear that, I have a lesbian daughter... it is NOT a choice... but I have NEVER heard them talk against gay people. Besides, if you think about it, with 19 kids and the grandkids coming, you might think that nature may give them a gay one or two.... there are 3 in my family... a first cousin of my moms, my oldest daughter and a nieces daughter. My daughter is 15 months older than the most feminine sister you could imagine...and the sister has 5 sons... so you cannot tell me I raised them different or it is a choice... well, we won't go into all that...

Now if they talked openly or ever even hinted against what all the people are trying to say they do, then I would sign the other petition.. I want to watch this family. And The Little Couple.