say no to a columbarium next to our future home!


/ #575 Re:

2015-01-17 02:23

#558: -  

 Still no response from PM. Dun understand why PM remain silent on this matter that concerns his voters. G50 is a sad year for SK residents! Unless the authorities do something do rectify it. I am kind of fed up when people make fun of the columbrium thingy like" Wah, your new house quite nice design and near columbrium.. Hahaha!.... Can be your landmark when taxi driver lost his way in SK...... Feeling very low and unhappy recently especially when I thought of the excitement and joy after buying the unit here, I felt disappointed with my decision to move to SK despite many people told me not too. Thought is a good place to stay but turn out to be.....:(. Really lose my faith with HDB and trust anymore. PM says that it is a dangerous move to vote for opposition parties, but for us, voters of PAP for many years, what do we get in return? We did our part to vote for PAP, now what? Trust and respect are things that the authorities should return us NOW!